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In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, a robust and flexible e-commerce infrastructure is crucial for business success. At TPS Software, we specialize in creating and optimizing e-commerce systems tailored to your unique business needs. Whether you’re looking to enhance your existing platform or launch a new online venture, our services are designed to help you stand out in a competitive market

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We Deliver to Our Clients


Unique, scalable e-commerce platforms are designed to align with your brand and goals.

  • Tailored e-commerce development
  • Brand-aligned customization
  • Essential feature integration


E-commerce platforms are customized, and integration with essential systems like ERP and CRM is ensured for seamless operations.

  • Customize platforms
  • Integrate third-party tools
  • Extend platform functionality


Responsive mobile solutions are developed to offer a smooth shopping experience on any device.

  • Mobile-responsive sites/apps
  • Optimized user experience
  • Seamless payment integration


Secure payment gateways are integrated, supporting multiple payment methods to enhance user convenience and boost conversions.

  • Secure payment gateways
  • Multiple payment methods
  • Compliance with standards (PCI DSS)


Continuous support and maintenance are provided to keep your platform secure and up-to-date.

  • Regular maintenance
  • Issue monitoring
  • Performance monitoring
  • Technical support

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E-Commerce Key Features

Core Commerce Functions

● Product Information Management (PIM)
● Order Management System (OMS)
● Payment
● Shipping Management & Integration

User Experience & Personalization

● Site Search Engine
● Personalization and Recommendations
● Content Management System (CMS)
● Social Commerce Integration

Customer Engagement & Support

● Customer Service and Support (CRM)
● Support Ticket System
● Promotion Management
● Data Analytics

Technical & Global Reach

● Identity Access Management (IAM)
● Omni-channel
● Localization and Internationalization

Why Choose US ?

TPS Software – The Leading Software Development Company in Viet Nam

We specialize in providing  software solutions to businesses of all sizes. Our team of experienced developers is dedicated to delivering high-quality, scalable, and cost-effective software products that meet the unique needs of our clients. We work closely with our clients to ensure that we understand their specific needs and goals, and we are committed to delivering results that exceed their expectations.

Industry Experience
Extensive knowledge in working with clients from several business verticals, various technologies challenge and projects with different types and sizes

Certified Software Development Expertise
Accredited CMMi Level 3 for Mature Quality Management System and ISO 27001 for certified information security management system

Comprehensive Software Project Management
Client’s projects are managed by a dedicated product consulting team with excellent technical experience, master in Agile, Scum methodologies and well-versed in all the latest technology stacks.

Proven Track Record
We have successfully delivered over 180+ projects to clients worldwide and 90% of them became long-term partners.