
looking for a place to work, a family to join?


Looking for a place to work, a family to join?


Meaningful work, constant learning, brilliant people, and a community guided by core values that promote quality, creativity and opportunity in everything we do. There are so many reasons to bring your career here.

Join TPS family to:

  • Work with talent people and deliver the best product to improve health for humanity.
  • Work in international and multi-cultural working environment
  • Get opportunities to work onsite in US, Japan and Singapore
  • Join warm & funny events in Mid-Autumn, Halloween, Christmas, New Year etc

Your benefits:

  • Performance review and salary adjustment one a year
  • #13month salary and bonus for excellent project performance
  • Advanced career development & many promotion opportunities
  • Quarterly team-building fund & sport clubs
  • Annual company trip & project close team outing
  • English/Japanese certificate incentive bonus program
  • Health checking one per year

Number of positions: 1    Deadline: 31/08/2024     Salary: Negotiation
Required skills: Azure Data Factory, Databricks, Microsoft SQL Server, Python, Pyspark, Data Lakehouse Architecture, Azure function, Azure blob storage, Delta lake


Number of positions: 2    Deadline: 31/08/2024     Salary: Negotiation
Required skills: MYSQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, DB2, Angular, ReactJS, VueJS, Spring Boot or Jersey API, Struts

Number of positions: 1    Deadline: 31/08/2024     Salary: Negotiation
Required skills: QA/QC Testing, Manual Test, Automation Test, Selenium, Appium, Jira, XRay, QC Leader

Number of positions: 2    Deadline: 31/08/2024     Salary: Negotiation
Required skills: QA/QC Testing, Manual Test, Automation Test, Selenium, Appium, Jira, XRay

Number of positions: 2    Deadline: 31/08/2024      Salary: Attractive
Required skills: UI/UX Design, Web Design, Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery Mobile


Number of positions: 1    Deadline: 31/08/2024    Salary: Negotiation

Required skills: Android, React Native, JSON, RestAPI, Redux, GIT

Number of positions: 1    Deadline: 31/08/2024    Salary: Negotiation

Required skills: Android, React Native, Java, Kotlin, Android SDK, REST base APIs, MVVM, MVP

Number of positions: 2    Deadline: 31/08/2024     Salary: Attractive
Required skills: C#/ASP.NET MVC/ .NET CoreSQL Server, AngularJSVueJSReactJS


Deadline: Opening                                             Salary: Attractive
Required skills: AI, Data, Java, Python, JavaScript, PHP, BA, BrSE


A friendly & happy


TPS has head office located in Tan Binh district. Our offices were designed to be highly unique! We wanted to maintain the separate identity of each division in the company, it being felt that it would help the numerous employees who are coming from various locations settle in. Yet at the same time the seemingly separate elements form a cohesive harmony, all working together rather well.

A place with plenty of


From the time that our company was started, we completed over 40 projects, helped companies and teams get stuff done.Our talented developers & professional QA engineers are responsible for keeping the quality of every project likes your expectation

Web System

(PHP, Java, .NET)

Mobile Application

(iOS, Android, WP)

Social Network

(Facebook App/Game)

Embedded Software


A place where you can meet other 


Hi friend! We’re super excited that you’re taking the steps toward your next adventure. If this is the first time we’ve met then WELCOME! And if you’ve been admiring us from afar, then we’re flattered. Either way we’re glad you’re here. We’re TPS, a company in Ho Chi Minh City, VN.
Our team talent means everything to us — it defines our culture, process and environment. We put an emphasis on working with smart people who uphold our values and create new opportunities for our clients, customers and users.

Team Building


We’re here for each other. As TPS members, we continue to learn and grow each and every day.
And we make sure to have fun while we’re at it!


Apply by submitting your CV to

Can’t find a suitable job?
Contact us and we’ll see if there’s a position that matches with your abilities