By TPS People

TPS Technical Sharing – “Design Pattern”

With the aim to create an environment for sharing & learning in company, TPS Software Center Training is established to help to organize training courses, sharing and workshops for all TPSers. This will help to facilitate our software developers to broaden, deepen and thereby further enhance their existing skill base to stay up with current trends in world technology.

At TPS Software, our employees will have a chance to join multiple training courses for both technical skills and soft skills. It will provide continuous learning and assist employees in improving additional soft skills on their own.

On Aug 08th 2022, TPS Center Training organized the Technical Sharing for all TPSers with topic “Design Pattern” hosted by Mr. Hùng Nguyễn – Division 3 Representative.

By participating to this training, software developers will get a deep understanding of the most common object oriented design patterns and how to use the Design Patterns to structure the code in a way that developers will enjoy working on it, long after the first lines were written in their project.

Besides, software developers will also see how to know design patterns helps in getting better ideas on how to reach a better design for the code, a higher maintainability, reusability and extensibility.

TPS Center Training organized the Technical Sharing with topic “Design Pattern” hosted by Mr. Hùng Nguyễn – Division 3 Representative
TPS’ Software Developers were interested in Technical Sharing – Design Pattern